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Puisi Bahasa Inggris

a sweet hello

if time permits our path to cross again

on days that my world no longer revolve around you

and my tidal storm have learnet to calm,

poetry about her

if you're looking for forever

i'll take the batteries out of my clocks-

so that we'll be stuck inside this moment

as if time really stopped


Puisi-Puisi Masterpiece 2 Asrul Sani Abu

17. Kediaman Impian

Hamparan rumput hijau dan pepohonan rindang

Hamparan sungai yang mengalir jernih

Hamparan bukit yang menghijau, memanggil.


Big Rolling Waves

I jump from the land to another land

From the ground to another ground 

From old faith to the other faith

Persecuted in the Vastness of Introspection

Standing in between the walls of the abstract

Eyes sliced with the glare of light in

Cruel smokes from stomach ashtray

Entering the imagination gap that still a virgin

Dear September,

And here we stand to watch the theatrical life

That completely dark to be touched by heart

There’s no home for sincerity to survive

We screamed on the equator so hard

It is real, isn’t it?

It is real, isn’t it?

(a poem for HIV / AIDS Day, December 1)


Gloomy Wednesday morning

It brought long painful shock to be healed

Event Of Mei 1998 In The Women View

A women humms liric of  time song

Voice as that is hard as a river at the mountains though we heard it

Brightly between the loudly afrraid men


once again in this day
i heard your name
and it sucessfully makes my mood sway
it just flash my mind back
to the days we ever had
to all memories we ever shared

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